Brian Muhr


W. Brennan Carley

Brian Muhr, a double combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, has a deep professional
background in the capital markets arena. Having joined the Army shortly after 9/11 with wanting to
be part of the fight against those that attacked us, he completed tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan
while being stationed in Germany.

Upon getting back to Chicago where he is originally from, he was quickly hired by an options
proprietary trading firm who was looking for someone that could perform under hostile conditions.
This was his first foray into the financial arena and hasn't looked back since, his professional
background includes the following:

- Blue Capital Group, Trading Systems Analyst
- Wolverine Execution Services, Trading Systems Analyst
- Stellar Trading Systems, Managing Executive - Chicago
- Blue Trading Systems, Director of Operations
- Trading Technologies, Product Manager - Data and Options

Brian and his spouse Liz current reside in River Forest, IL (just outside of Chicago) where they are
raising their 2 little girls. In his free time, he enjoys training and competing in Ironman triathlons as
well as long distance running events.